

 • Improve recycling and composting program; create replicable program

   • Replace plastic bottles with reusable bottles or filtration, if necessary; consider water fountain in cafeteria


  • Track pounds of paper and graph (every Friday) 
  • Take out compost (Tuesday and Friday) 
  • √ Slash Trash Program
  • √ Promote Waste-Free Lunch - reducing amount of waste generated (appropriate portions, take what you   will eat, reusable containers, good packaging, integrate with composting and recycling)
  • Eco Art - creative ways to reuse "junk" integrated with science, math, literacy, and art projects. Pair older kids with younger kids to create a cooperative school-wide art project

Did you know that 118 pounds of recycled paper is equal to one tree? By recycling we are helping to reduce the number of trees we use for paper! So far this year, we have saved more than 7 trees!

Air Quality

Indoor air quality
  • Provide recipes for/make green cleaners to reduce/eliminate chemicals in school
  • Sharon schools use certified green cleaning products
  • Fix gas burner in kitchen; improve ventilation system? 
Outdoor air quality 
  •  No idling of cars; increase biking and walking
  • Plant trees on Arbor Day or Earth Day
  • Establish a designated outdoor classroom area 

Healthful Habits/Nurture Nature

  • Lunch/Snacks - provide lists of healthful snack and lunch suggestions
  • Reduce amt of wheat, gluten and casein in classroom snacks and lunches; eliminate hydrogenated fats and HFCS, better packaging 
  • Farm to Table (school garden to provide herbs for pizza; possible collaboration with Moose Hill CSA to donate extra veggies seasonally)
  • Movement - school-wide stretching/movement, every hour for five minutes
  • Sustain Kindergarden and butterfly garden; include composting, planting trees, signage, rain barrels?

Energy Efficiency/Water Conservation

  • Sell energy-efficient lightbulbs  
  • Lights off at school when not in room (make signs next to switches) 
  • Lights out for a certain period of time each day (school-wide)? 
  • Reduce Carbon Footprint in school and home
  • Family Conservation Action Plan/Green Pledge
  • Water conservation - low-flow toilets, improving what goes down septic. Make signs next to our sinks; turn off tap when you brush your teeth

Earth-friendly Announcements

  • Add earth-friendly facts to morning announcements 



  • Family Movie night 2x a year 
  • Family Workshops 2x a year with local resource conservation organizations
  • Community Connections: Get involved in the political process/policy. Help kids to understand how we conserve wetlands or water resources. 
  • Purchase green books for library to have a designated "green" section 

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