Thursday, September 18, 2014

Salsa from the Kindergarten Garden!

The Kindergarten Garden yielded some juicy tomatoes and herbs. The goal was to make a pizza garden. Thanks to Hana and all the volunteers who helped make it happen. We hope to work with a local farm to bring some fresh produce directly into our cafeteria this fall!

Try this recipe for a fresh snack idea...

Salsa Fresca

4-5 Garden tomatoes, diced
Fresh basil, torn up
Corn kernals (roasted are especially delicious)
Red kidney or black beans, about a cup
Fresh parsley or cilantro, cut
Healthy splash of lime juice or balsamic vinegar
2 T of olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced

Mix together and let sit for an hour or so to let the flavors meld. This makes a wonderful snack with some non-GMO corn chips. Another option is to melt cheese on chips and drizzle with salsa. Top with fresh guacamole. Enjoy! Paula

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Green Team Action Items, 2014-2015

Here are a few things we hope to accomplish this year!
Check out our Volunteer section to get involved. It's Easy Being Green! - Paula

Sign Our Pledge!

Mr. Madden will be sending a copy of this home. Post this on your refrigerator and review it from time-to-time. We hope you join in and try your best!